Precious Orangutan Loves Looking at Her Reflection and It's Too Cute

CC Marketa Myskova/Shutterstock

This is bananas! We always knew that orangutans were intelligent animals, but we seriously underestimated how smart they are. A video showing one orangutan at the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky admiring herself in a mirror is so cool. She is one smart cookie!

You could say that Amber the orangutan has gotten herself a little fan club. They often head over to the zoo and test the primate on her recognition skills.

When the fans pay the orangutan a visit they usually bring her something to point at. Sometimes it's a container of slime. Other times they'll show her things from their backpacks. Every single time Amber will gesture to the objects. She's so curious! And when the super fans came with a mirror in tow, she really had a good time.

Related: Orangutan at Louisville Zoo Asking to See What's Inside Visitor's Purse Is Priceless

The orangutan was obsessed with her reflection. Why shouldn't she be? She's a gorgeous girl. She even got up close to her enclosure window to take a good look at herself. She couldn't get enough.

"Amber the orangutan loves looking at her reflection," the video's caption reads.

Commenters didn't blame Amber for wanting to take a good look at herself. "'Aren't you a handsome one' reaction," joked one person. "It’s so cute how she points and moves her finger lol," someone else wrote. "She turned around like 'you guys come look at this,'" another commenter teased. "Well who’s this cutie patootie?" chimed in another commenter, as if reading Amber's thoughts.

Smartest Animals

Orangutans are well known for being incredibly smart. But there are many other animals that are incredibly intelligent.

Often confused for orangutans, chimpanzees and bonobos are so smart. This shouldn't be such a big surprise since they share 98.7 percent of their DNA with humans. Chimps are known for their use of tools and both are known for their ability to solve problems.

Dolphins are also known for their smarts. They're quick learners, can mimic human behavior, can solve problems, teach others, and have shown signs of self-awareness. In some really shocking news, both whales and dolphins have bigger brains than humans do. But don't freak out just yet — we have a higher brain-to-body ratio, which is an important factor in intelligence.

Crows and ravens aren't just something out of an Edgar Allen Poe story, they're real birds who are really smart. They can remember human faces and some studies have suggested they're as smart as adult apes.

There are actually lots of smart animals out there. Which is pretty cool when you think about it.

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