Pug Dad’s Joke About Things That Wake Up Pet Parents Is Totally Spot-on

Shutterstock/Anastasiya Tsiasemnikava

When you're a parent, there are certain things that you can sleep through and other things that will wake you up in less than a second. For Chilli the Pug's dad, the things that he can sleep through are pretty loud and hard to miss, but the one thing that will wake up him up immediately is the one thing that pet parents everywhere can relate to.

Chilli's dad shared the spot-on video on Friday, September 20th. It starts with dad sleeping on the couch, with a thunderstorm pounding down around him. He doesn't even flinch. He also doesn't move a muscle when gunshots go off or even the nuclear alarm. But watch what happens when he hears Chilli start to throw up...he's off the couch before his eyes are even all the way opened up!

I'm a light sleeper, so everything wakes me up. But hearing your dog start heaving? That'll make any pet parent jump out of bed...even my husband who sleeps through everything! Chilli's commenters also agreed that this one thing makes everybody jump into immediate action. @Joe Black reminded, "You forgot to scream, "No stop, hold on, I’m coming!!!" LOL!" @Michele V. said, "It's also true for cat owners..."

Related: Dad Does the Funniest Impression of Humans Going to Sleep Like Dogs

How To Calm a Dog's Upset Stomach

We all know that if we hear our dog start heaving like they're going to throw up that we need to be ready to clean up a mess and soothe a sick dog's stomach. There are other signs that our pooch's belly is upset too, including lip smacking, weird, gurgle noises, drooling, excessive swallowing, or even licking the floor or carpet or eating grass. When any of these things happen, you may want to be proactive and try to make them feel better before you have to clean up dog throw up.

There are some simple home remedies you can try, and they work! Another Pet Helpful article suggests that all of these ingredients can help (but reminds pet parents to consult with their vet and to do their own research before using):

  1. Ginger

  2. Basil

  3. Rosemary

  4. Calendula Flowers

  5. Goldenseal

  6. Valerian Root (with chamomile)

  7. Chamomile (with valerian root)

The article recommends making a tea out of ginger (which is commonly used to treat morning sickness in pregnant woman), and that using a fresh root to steep a tea for your dog will be more potent than the dried alternative. Basil can be used by mixing a few fresh leaves in with some moist dog food or into Greek yogurt. Rosemary can be mixed in regularly a few times a week with food (it's an immune system booster and breath freshener) and in larger doses can treat upset stomachs, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating.

Pumpkin is another good food option to calm an upset stomach, as recommended by the AKC. Simply give 1–4 tablespoons of unsalted canned pumpkin per meal and your dog will start feeling better. Believe it or not, mashed potatoes can relieve upset stomachs, too!

It could be a bit of trial and error to find which option works for your dog; pumpkin was the one that my dog seemed to like best. None of these ingredients will hurt your dog but some work better than others. If you're unsure about which is the best option for your pooch, consult your vet.

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