Pug Mom Shares 5 Simple Things Humans Can Do to Make Their Dogs Happy

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Making our pets happy is something that all of us try to do every day. Sometimes we get busy though and our pets move down on our To-Do List, and you can tell that they get sad when we don't give them enough attention. Pico the Pug's mom shared a list of 5 simple things we can do to make our dogs happy every day, and all of them can be done in under 5 minutes.

Pico's mom shared the video on Sunday, September 22nd. She offers many easy suggestions, starting with creating games to play with them. Don't forget to cuddle and relax with them...not all time together has to be about playing. When you're out and about with them, don't assume they want to play; they may just want to sit with you quietly and take in their surroundings. And just like with our kids, sometimes it's good to force them out of their comfort zones as well. The fifth suggestion is one that you can do anytime, anywhere, and one they'll never turn down!

Pico's mom says in her caption that number five is crucial, and I couldn't agree more! Dogs want all of our love, and what better way of showing we love them than by giving and accepting all the kisses from them! Commenters loved the sweet video as much as much as I did. @Meg shared this sweet message about her Pug, 'Mine gets snuggles 24/7 and kisses all day. I’ll never not want to snuggle him. He’s literally my best friend!"

Related: 4 Clear Signs That Dogs Show When They're Happy

The Difference Between Pugs and French Bulldogs

I checked out some of Pico's other videos and a few commenters mistakenly called him a French Bulldog instead of a Pug. It's easy to get the two of them confused if you aren't familiar with the two breeds because they do look very similar. But there are some very noticeable differences once you take a closer look.

If you look at them side-by-side, the first thing you may notice are their ears. Look closely and you'll see that Pugs have rounded, floppy ears while French Bulldogs have “bat ears” that stand naturally straight up and are much larger than their heads. Their tails are also different: Frenchies' tails are short and straight, and Pugs have adorable curly, pig-like tails. Those two traits are both dead giveaways and how I remember which is which.

The two breeds have other differences as well. Frenchies are known for their athleticism while pugs are more low-key and chill. Frenchies are spunky and like to be the boss, which can make them less compatible with other pets or small children. They also have a shorter lifespan than that of Pugs; they live an average of 9-11 years while Pugs can live 12-15 years.

Anytime you're considering bringing home a new pet, make sure to do your research and learn all about the breed. All dog breeds have pros and cons that come with them, and the cons might be a dealbreaker for your family and lifestyle. Better to know that up front than to end up with an unhappy dog!

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