Rescue Terrier Mix Taking His First Walk Is What Pure Joy Looks Like

CC ibragimova/Shutterstock

Dogs know when they're safe. And one dog's first walk after getting adopted from the shelter is an example of that fact. The pup was practically bouncing down the street by his owner's side as they took a stroll recently. Anything is possible when a dog is loved!

We know this was a big moment for the pup and its owner. To mark the occasion, the woman took a video of their very first walk.

The moment was definitely everything the animal lover hoped it would be. In the video she shared, it shows the dog mama walking her new pup. He was taking it all in. The pup couldn't stop pausing to smell around in the grass. We have to think that he was so happy to be out in nature after all that time inside.

Related: Dog Mom Makes Rescue Staffordshire Terrier the Star of Her Wedding

Later in the text overlay, the Terrier mix's new mom explained that she waited until he was "fully vaccinated" before taking him on the stroll. "When he gets excited he squeals like a little piglet," she wrote.

Why Rescue a Shelter Dog

There are lots of paths to pet ownership, so why is it that so many people prefer to adopt their dogs from shelters and rescues?

There are so many animals, of all kinds, in need at a shelter. And right now many shelters face overcrowding. Without people to adopt, some shelters will have to start turning away animals. Meaning that many of these creatures will end up on the streets or in abusive situations. Worse, some shelters might euthanize their dogs if they can't find them homes. It's fair to say that adopting can literally save a life.

Many animals in shelters come from situations where they weren't cared for or were mistreated. Don't they deserve a second chance? Even dogs who might be scared or seem anxious in the shelter can completely turn it around once they've been taken into a new home.

If helping out an animal in need isn't enough, adopting helps fight back against cruel breeding practices. Dogs at pet stores or from disreputable breeders are often kept in unsafe conditions. When you adopt from your local shelter, you are giving back directly to your community and people who work hard to give proper care to animals in your area.

Without a doubt, the best reason to adopt is that shelter animals have so much love to give. Every animal is just hoping that a human will notice them and bring them home. Every day is a chance to make a difference. As this happy dog proves.

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