Rescue Water Buffalo Finally Finds His Family in Emotional Video

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The story of a Water Buffalo finally finding his family is so sweet. Rufus never really fit in at the rescue where he's staying. Amongst the cows at the Austin Farm Sanctuary in Paige, Texas, Rufus stuck out like a sore thumb. That is until recently, when some new arrivals at the sanctuary totally changed his world.

We have to imagine that Rugus felt a little out of place. While he might have been safe, he was the only Water Buffalo on the property.

As the Austin Farm Sanctuary explained in their post, when they rescued the Water Buffalo earlier this year they kept him with their cows. Not a perfect fit, but they were definitely company. Things were a little...wonky, to say the least. But then the sanctuary learned there were two other Water Buffaloes that needed saving, thus changing Rufus' world forever.

Related: Video of Water Buffalo Sweetly Snuggling a Small Child Is Touching People's Hearts

Sonya and Mirabelle were a godsend. The sanctuary was nervous about introducing the animals, "since Rufus had likely never met another Water Buffalo." But the meeting was magical. Finally, Rufus fit in.

"How about that ending?" the sanctuary wrote in the caption. "Freedom, friendship, family, forever."

Thinking about Rufus finally finding a place where he belongs could bring tears to our eyes. People in the comments section felt the same way. "'You wanna play mermaids?' - Rufus, probably," one person joked. "Omigoodness they’re so cute in the water with their little heads out. So happy for them," someone else agreed. "Every day I’m on this app crying about things like Water Buffalo friendships," a third person added. "They have their own little herd. So glad you did this," chimed in one person.

Water Buffaloes Are Social Animals

Water Buffaloes spend most of their time in muddy waters, but they don't like to do it alone. These animals are social creatures. They tend to live in herds. Sometimes a few Water Buffaloes will live together, other times there can be hundreds in a herd.

There is a reason for this. Herds help protect Water Buffalo from predators. A Water Buffalo that spots trouble can send out an SOS to the rest of its herd through grunts and calls. These herds are usually led by an older, female Water Buffalo accompanied by a male. They aren't territorial and will typically nosh on aquatic plants together while in the water.

The best part is that these creatures can live a long time together, whether in captivity or in the wild. They have a lifespan of 25 years. Meaning that Rufus will never be alone again.

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