Rescued Pit Bull ‘Rates’ All of Her New Experiences and It’s So Fun to Watch

Shutterstock/Mary Swift

Adopting a dog rescued from abuse, abandonment, or neglect is a selfless thing to do, and there are so many dogs out there they need forever homes...especially Pit Bulls. Abby is a dog trainer who features her rescued Pit Bulls on her TikTok account. Her newest baby is named Azula, and it's absolutely adorable to watch her experience new things for the first time!

In this video, Azula rates all of the new things that she tried for the first time. She loves playing in the sand, digging, and grandma's hugs, and is not at all a fan of green beans or crossing bridges. Watch as she shows off all of her new skills and see if you agree with her ratings!

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Commenters all agree that Azula is adorable, and that it was so fun to watch her experience these things - both good and bad - for the first time. People had a lot to say about Abby's video, many about the bridge. @sarahnottewhite pointed out, "Her ears while crossing the bridge!!!" and @heathheath123 was on the same page, "The EAR BOUNCE across the bridge!!!!!! I wasn't ready!!!!!"

Related: Rescued Pit Bull Mix Learning to Play with Foster Brother Will Melt Anyone's Heart

Why To Consider Adopting a Dog in Need

Commenter @gial.king pointed out, "People saying dogs don’t like hugs have never been hugged by Pitties!" Pit Bulls have gotten a bad rap as being mean, vicious dogs, but it's far from the truth. Any dog can be raised to be aggressive, but that doesn't mean that certain dog breeds are always aggressive. I had a Pit Bull years ago, and she's one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had!

Abby's a big supporter of adopting dogs (especially ones that are last to be adopted like Pit Bulls) instead of buying them from a breeder or pet store, and I couldn't agree with her more. There are so many reasons to adopt a dog instead of purchasing one and there are so many dogs in need out there. If you're considering bringing home a dog to make a part of your family, consider adopting one. While everybody wants a puppy, there are so many adult and senior dogs that need homes, as well as one who might otherwise never find a home (did you know black dogs are one of the hardest dogs to find homes for?) You quite literally could be saving a life by adopting from a local shelter, as there are still many kill shelters out there that only will house a dog for a certain amount of time before euthanizing them.

Other than saving a life, another good reason to adopt is that it's less expensive than purchasing a pet. Shelters aren't in the business of making money, they only want to cover their costs. Fees normally associated with adoption cover the costs of spay or neutering, food, medical expenses, and other day-to-day expenses. Instead of paying thousands to buy your next pet, you pay just a couple hundred dollars, or in some cases, almost nothing.

While there's nothing scientific to back this up, paw-rents who have adopted from shelters and rescues all swear up and down that rescued dogs make the best's almost like they know you saved them. It's worth considering if you're looking for a new pet!

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