Rottweiler Mom in Australia Warns Everybody to Beware of ‘Sharks'

Shutterstock/STG Photos

When you think of Australia, you might think about their gorgeous beaches and of course sharks. Beau is a Rottweiler who lives with his mom in Australia. They spend a lot of time at the beach, and Beau's mom shared a warning with us about the importance of watching out for sharks. Just in time for summer, she shared the video on June 7th and set it to the perfect music, the theme song to the movie Jaws.

The video is only 7 seconds long, but it makes its point. The caption says, "Beware of the waters in Australia" and the video starts with mom panning across the shoreline.  Beau comes into the picture wearing a shark costume and looking absolutely adorable. He's a shark we'd love to run into!

If I was at the beach and saw that shark, I'd run directly to him! Beau's commenters also agreed that he's the cutest shark they've ever seen. @james salvinski pointed out, "Land shark!" @Claudia Torres Arago added, "Omg the friendliest shark!" @Ella & Shiloh said, "What a unique looking shark furriend!" and another commenter shouted, "OH MY GOD!!! IT'S A KISSER SHARK. RUNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Related: Rottweiler Meets Street Musicians and Demands to Perform Too

Do Rottweilers Make Good Family Pets?

If you're looking for a fiercely loyal and protective dog, Rottweilers fit the bill. Growing up my family had one and yes, she looked scary, and people were initially afraid of her, but she was really just a big baby! When I say big, I mean big; a full-grown female can weigh 100 pounds and males weigh up to 140 pounds.

Rotties are very affectionate with their family, though they may be standoffish around strangers and other animals until they get to know them. They're not lap dogs, but they definitely think that they are! They are intelligent, love to learn, and respond well to training. If you get a Rottweiler puppy, your number one priority should be to begin training immediately and to socialize them right away. From day one they need to understand that you are the boss, not them. Rotties tend to be stubborn (especially male) and do things on their own terms, so training may take a bit longer than expected, especially as they get older.

Rottweilers are athletic dogs and require daily exercise. They're easy to groom and are not big shedders. They are calm and easy going with their families...but they'll also do anything to keep their family safe and make excellent guard dogs. Their intimidating look and scary bark alone will have strangers running in the opposite direction.

Make sure that you do thorough research if you are considering a Rottweiler for your family pet. All pets come with their pros and cons, so it's important to understand their needs and temperaments to decide if they're right for your family and lifestyle. Rotties may be more work than some other breeds, but the ones I've known have all been big teddy bears at heart!

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