Rylan and Rob Rinder break down over heartbreaks

Rylan and Rob Rinder break down over heartbreaks
Rylan and Rob Rinder break down over heartbreaks. (Getty) (Kate Green/BAFTA via Getty Images)

Rylan and Rob Rinder opened up to each other while discussing their heartbreaks on new BBC show Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour.

The TV stars are brought closer together as friends while filming their BBC show. Rinder quoted Lord Byron saying their "friendship grows into love" and Rylan called his friend "family" now in sweet Instagram posts ahead of the show airing on Sunday.

Sat having a drink in the beautiful city of Venice, the British criminal barrister wiped away his tears as the two friends discussed their romances that hadn't worked out in the past. It was an open and honest discussion with Rylan also sharing about how he went on a "downward spiral" following his painful divorce from Dan Neal. Rylan has started dating again after his marriage broke down in 2021 following six years together.

Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour in Venice
Rylan and Rob Rinder address their divorces in show Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour. (BBC) (BBC/Rex TV/Zinc Media/Lana Salah)

Reflecting, the Eurovision presenter revealed how his marriage ending forced him to slow down and he "sunk". He told his friend: "I think it was a culmination of my marriage breaking down and actually me stopping for the first time in 10 years.

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He explained: "Then, all of a sudden, I hit quite a big speed bump instead of carrying on, I just sunk. It was the worst experience of my life. I just went on a downward spiral. I tried to end it, I tried to finish myself off. I didn't eat, I went down to nine stone. I'm 6ft 4 Rob, like I looked horrendous."

What caused Rylan the most pain out of all of it was what he put his mum Linda through. So much so, the TV star he would "give it all up" if it meant he could have spared his mum the hurt.

Pictured: Rylan and Linda - Celebrity Gogglebox (Channel 4)
Rylan with his mother Linda on Celebrity Gogglebox. (Channel 4)

He said: "I'm so grateful for what I've got. I come from a council estate. I'm not saying we were on the breadline because we were not on the breadline but we didn't have a lot. But in those moments and even to this day, if I had to give it all up to not have to put my mum through what I put her through when I got ill."

Visibly emotional, the star paused to shake his head and reflect further. "Fine, take it," he concluded. "It's horrendous, she's a seventy year old woman she had to watch her successful son disintegrate."

In turn, Rinder shared his own failed experiences with love with his friend. He said: "I don't talk about my marriage 'cause he's a private person. But we're in Venice which is a place about passion, I was once so in love when I was in my early twenties but it wasn't reciprocated. And it never has been."

Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour
Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour started on BBC on Sunday. (BBC) (BBC/Rex TV/Zinc Media/Lana Salah)

Rylan reassured his friend that no romance is forever unless it is the right one. He said: "Do you know what, Rob? We're here once, we've been through quite a lot of s***. What's it taught us? Nothing's forever unless it's right."

Rinder was moved to tears by his friend's words as they captured the intimate conversation on camera for their BBC show. Before it got too sad, Rylan changed tact. Known for his fun persona, it's no surprise the Hot Mess Summer presenter tried to lighten the mood following their deep conversation about love. "He's fit!" He shouted out, prompting his friend to laugh.

Rylan and Rob Rinder hit the red carpet together
Rylan and Rob Rinder hit the red carpet together. (Getty) (Kate Green/BAFTA via Getty Images)

Ahead of the show airing, Rylan and Rinder took to social media to tell fans about their beautiful friendship and how it blossomed. The two friends also attended the BAFTAs together.

Rinder quoted Lord Byron's poetry when reflecting on his close bond and friendship with Rylan. He wrote: "'Friendship may and often does, grow into love.' Byron... See you alongside him 9pm tonight."

Rylan also shared their experience was "special" and that they had become "family" to one another. He wrote: "Tonight our new show starts at 9pm on BBC Two and iPlayer. It was so special. This man has become family to me because of this experience. It really is a show like no other and we’re so proud of it. Hope you enjoy x."

After the show, Rylan tweeted: "Wow, we never expected this reaction to the show. Thank you so much for the love. It’s so welcome x."

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Watch all three episodes of Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour on BBC iPlayer.

This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at https://uk.news.yahoo.com/rylan-rob-rinder-heartbreak-divorce-084138739.html
