Sanctuary Calf Sweetly Cuddles His Favorite Stuffie Just Like a Little Kid

CC OlhaSemeniv/Shutterstock

Just like kids, animals really loves toys. For dogs that can be tennis balls, for cats that's usually a toy mouse. But Lewis is a stuffie guy. The calf can snuggle his favorite stuffed animal all day long.

Video of Lewis and his hedgehog show that they go everywhere together. Wherever you see one, you'll see the other.

It's pretty sweet when you think about it. It's like when you had a baby doll as a kid or a teddy bear. Stuffies can really be your BFF.

Related: Sanctuary's New Cow Finds Comfort in Ball That Belonged to Their Beloved Late Blind Resident

The footage shared by The Gentle Barn, an animal rescue where Lewis is currently residing, shows the two spending some quality time together. They were having a cuddle. Which is exactly what we expect from a baby cow like Lewis.

"Cows like Lewis at The Gentle Barn are just big puppies," the video's text overlay reads.

The comments section was smitten with Lewis and his stuffie bestie. "Lewis you are so cute and sweet… Love you and so happy you have a stuffy to comfort you," wrote one person. "Oh my goodness!!!! I need to cuddle that baby!!!" another commenter exclaimed. "Well I’m sobbing over a cow this evening," chimed in a third commenter. "What a precious beauty this little cow is, who wouldn’t love this animal!!" another person wondered.

Cows Love to Play

It might seem that all cows do is hangout in the pasture and graze. But these animals are highly social and actually like playing around. Some toys, like Lewis' stuffie, can provide companionship. While other toys provide mental stimulation.

It might not seem like it, but cows are very intelligent creatures. They need toys to keep them engaged and facilitate their social urges. Things like stuffies, hanging ropes, or piles of hay or grass should do the trick. Any toy that encourages curiosity, problem solving, or learning can be really good for them.

Balls can be a ton of fun for cows too. Like one blind cow at The Gentle Barn, who adores her giant bouncy ball.

The cow, Faith, treats the big ball like her child. It goes everywhere with her and she actually gets stressed when the ball goes away.

That's so typical of cows and their version of play. These guys love to have a good time. And they need to be with others. That's a big part of being a cow too.

As for Lewis, it seems like he's found the toy for him.

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