Scottish Fold Cat's Disapproval of New Rescue Kitty's Antics Is the Best

CC Kirkam/Shutterstock

Your first pet is usually the one that convinces you to get a second one. But that pet in turn is the one that usually assures you'll never get another animal ever again. Take one Scottish Fold, who was positively scandalized by its little sibling's bad behavior. You can practically hear him say, "Well I'd never!"

Now that his owners got a second cat, Antonius is seeing things in a whole new light.

The cat was such a good boy, but the new kitty — well, not so much. In the footage shared by Antonius' owner, it shows the Scottish Fold looking positively appalled by what his little sibling was doing.

Related: Scottish Fold Cat Called Out for Being a 'Helicopter Mom' and It's So On-Point

The footage shows the second cat tearing apart their owner's shoes.

"Our new cat is demolishing my boyfriend's slippers and our resident cat, who has never done anything naughty is completely scandalized," their mama joked in the onscreen text.

It's like Antonius had never even considered ruining a pair of slippers before. He couldn't even comprehend what his little brother was doing.

Commenters were cracking up at the cat's shocked response. "Well never in my nine lives!" exclaimed one person. "He looks outraged! If he had pearls and the ability to clutch them, he would," someone else joked. "He’s thinking, 'I was good for no reason,'" one person teased. "He's thinking, 'Please! Have some decorum!' and clutching his pearls," added another commenter.

Adding a Second Cat to Your Household

In any household, bringing home a second animal can be complicated. There's always a fifty-fifty shot that it'll go wrong. If you're looking to add to your brood, you'll want to follow a few simple rules to get things started on a good foot.

Cats are very territorial, which means you'll want to create a sanctuary in your home for your new animal before making an introduction. This can just be a separate area in your home, like a laundry room, where they can have their own space.

You'll then want to confine your resident cat to one of the bedrooms and allow your new cat to explore your home. Your new cat will be able to smell your resident cat, but they won't be directly interacting just yet.

Then comes the first meeting. This is definitely important and you'll want to keep an eye on them in case the two cats get aggressive with each other. If things start to get out of hand, throw a towel on the pets to distract the cats and then separate them.

You'll want to keep supervised visits going until the cats acclimate and can handle being in the same room together. Eventually they will be okay being left alone. Just have patience through the first few weeks — it could take a little while for them to get along, but it will happen.

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