Senior Beagle Labeled ‘Escape Artist’ After Being Found Wandering the Streets Again

CC Annette Shaff/Shutterstock

Chavo has places to go and people to see. And he's not going to wait around to get there. The only problem is Chavo is a senior Beagle. And we're pretty sure his owners don't love his tendency to wander. Thankfully, it seems like Chavo's reputation precedes him, because his neighbor spotted the dog and hilariously gave the dog a ride home.

When it comes to Chavo, it seems that there's nothing that could surprise his neighbor Valentina.

To us, this means that the senior dog has done this many, many times. In the video she shared, the Beagle wasn't in any hurry. He was just strolling down the street as usual — taking everything in.

Related: Senior Beagle Being Overlooked by Adopters Because of Her Age Breaks Our Hearts

"Y'all see this sweet little puppy coming up here?" the woman said from behind the camera. "He is well into his teens and he escapes all the time." Yep, the dog is truly an "escape artist." Poor Valentina was supposed to be driving her granddaughter somewhere, but like the good neighbor she was, instead waited for Chavo and then brought the dog home.

"He gets so tired, he can't get back home," she explained.

The comments section was cracking up at Chavo's great escape. "Ah, my Uber is here, excellent," joked one person, as if speaking for the dog. "He stopped like, 'Loordddd thank you my ride is here,'" someone else teased. "I like how Chavo sees you coming towards him and stops. 'Waiting for you to stop, let’s go I need to go home!'" praised another commenter.

Why Does My Dog Roam?

In this case Chavo was spotted by a trusted neighbor and was in good hands. But that's not always the situation. Chavo might be the best case scenario when it comes to roaming, but there is a chance that your dog could get out and never come back. 

To discourage your dog from running away, make sure you spay or neuter them. That might not make sense, but hormones are often the culprit that leads dogs to wander. You'll also want to build a fence around your yard to make it slightly more difficult. If your dog is prone to roaming because they see something they want to chase, make sure they know commands like "come" so you can call to them if you catch them taking off. Regular exercise can also help curb the impulse to bolt.

If your dog does get free, you'll want to make sure they have current ID tags on them and are microchipped. You might even want to invest in a GPS tracking device if this is your dog's bad habit. It's not ideal, but sometimes the best care for your pet is understanding their habits and planning accordingly. Dogs — they really do have minds of their own!

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