Siberian Cat’s On-Point Middle-Of-The-Night Antics Are Cracking People Up

Unsplash/Avel Chuklanov

Does your pet ever get up in the middle of the night and start making noise? We have a dog who usually sleeps in her crate (with the door open) in our room, and while she doesn't make a whole lot of noise, she occasionally gets up and scares me awake by licking my face! Nimbus is a Siberian cat who is known for having playtime in the middle of the night. His paw-rents shared a video on Saturday, August 24th of what he does at 3AM, and it will crack you up!

Make sure your sound is on because not only does Nimbus make noise by jumping all over furniture and moving chairs, he also meows. He wants everybody to know he's awake, and that he's ready to play! Watch until the end to see how peaceful and quiet he decides to be later in the day at 3PM. He's too funny!

I've watched Nimbus' video at least five times! It cracked me up, though if he was my cat and doing that in the middle of the night, I'm sure it wouldn't be funny then! Commenters got a kick out of the Siberian cat's antics too. @frog socks laughed, "Nimbus airing out the exhaust after that race is sending me!!!!" @Olivia Aspen wonders, "What's with the 3 am zoomies?" and @Idk added, "Why is it ALWAYS 2-3am when they do this?!" And I felt the same way @Patty Surprenant did, "Why did I know this was Nimbus before I knew it was Nimbus."

Related: Siberian Cat's Adorable 'Silent Meows' Have People Talking

Are Cats Nocturnal?

All the comments about people's cats doing this in the middle of the night made me wonder, are cats nocturnal? Purina explains that cats aren't nocturnal and the reasons why so many of us believe that they are, "Cats are not nocturnal animals; they’re crepuscular. This means that they are most active at dawn and dusk and get their rest during the day," they go on to say, "Many cats snooze throughout the day and reserve the small hours for all the fun kitty stuff like playing or nagging their favorite humans for attention in the middle of their sleep. So, it’s natural to think your cat is a nocturnal creature. But when we look closer at the hours when their activity peaks, it’s usually early mornings and evenings where we see the highest levels of activity."

If your cat is like Nimbus and you find them up and ready for zoomies in the middle of the night, Purina offered up for simple suggestions that might help. Have playtime right before you are ready to hit the hay. By getting some of that energy out, they may make it through the night without being active. Feeding them before bedtime also can help, as they use the energy to digest their meal instead of playing.

They also suggest that you don't let your cat in your room at night, but if that's not an option, ignore their nighttime antics. "By constantly ignoring the cat’s pleas for attention or food, it may teach them that there’s no point in continuing with this behavior, and they will hopefully decide to give it up for more interesting adventures that don’t involve waking their owner up." All easy things to do and worth giving a shot if you have a cat who loves to play during the night like Nimbus does.

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