Snowshoe Cat's Surprise Discovery in Home Leaves Family Shook

CC Carnivorka/Shutterstock

Is your cat being cute or are they warning you of danger? Well, it is actually pretty hard to tell. Just ask one woman who learned the hard way that her Snowshoe cat wasn't meowing for attention. Nope. The cat was actually trying to get her mama to realize there was a giant bat in the house.

If this sounds like a nightmare, you aren't wrong. Finding a bat in your home is the absolute worst kind of surprise.

In hindsight, it seems so clear that Azula was trying to warn her mom that something was wrong. In the clip Alex shared, it shows the Snowshoe cat sitting on the mantel. The kitty was staring at the ceiling and just kept meowing. Even after the cat moved, she stayed pretty focused on one particular spot.

Related: Bat Napping With Its Tiny Tongue Sticking Out Is Just Impossible to Resist

"Started recording Azula because I thought her meows were cute, then I saw what she was talking about," the woman wrote in the text overlay. "A bat."

"Just in time for Halloween," she joked in the caption. "All of us have been vaccinated for rabies."

Talk about chilling. This would scare us forever. And other people in the comments section agreed. "She's like, 'ARE YOU SEEING THIS?!!!'" wrote one person. "Ok but my first instinct is to always look at what my cat is looking at for this exact reason," one person commented. "Her stressing cuz you're not listening," teased another commenter.

While another person had their own terrifying bat story: "Our cat woke us up one night. He'd pinned a bat down in our dining room. We had to get it tested. It was chaos. We learned a whole colony of bats was living in the house walls. Good times," they wrote.


Signs There Are Bats in the House

There's just something about bats that is really, really not fun. But how do you know for sure that you have a problem? Well obviously seeing a bat is a sign. But there are ways to tell there are bats in the home.

Noises in the wall is one sign. Both bats and mice tend to congregate in the walls, but mice or rats will usually get quiet if you knock on the wall. Whereas bats will usually make a lot of noise. If you hear chirping inside your home at night that's another tell. And finally, seeing bat droppings, known as guano, is another sign. Usually you'll see the droppings outside the home, but if the bat is inside your home you might see it on the floor.

The important thing is to not panic. Finding a bat is definitely not ideal, but calling animal control or someone trained in humane bat removal is the best way to make sure you (and them) stay safe.

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