Social And Affectionate Orange Cat Is Ready to Bring Sunshine to His Future Adopter's Life

DuaEnam KosongLima/Shutterstock

It's no secret that every rescue cat is special in their own unique ways, but the sad reality is that not every cat in need of a home gets their time in the spotlight. It can be hard to capture the attention of the right adopter, but animal rescuers like the ones at the Humane Society of Broward County are doing all they can to remedy that.

On August 27, shelter volunteers introduced their TikTok fans to Sunshine, a formerly stray cat who's determined to find a forever home to call his own. He's exceptionally sweet and social, especially for a cat who lived on the streets, but his pals know that it's only a matter of time before someone falls in love with him. He's already charmed the socks off of his shelter friends, but now it's time for him to graduate to a home of his very own.

Aww! Sunshine is just as sweet and warm as his name implies, but his golden eye color makes this cat's name even more fitting. If I had met him without knowing his story, I would have been so surprised to learn that he's a former stray cat. He acts like he's been a pet all his life!

Related: Orange Cat Greets Owner in an Unusual Way and It's Beyond Precious

Several commenters gushed over Sunshine's handsome face and long whiskers, but even more viewers wished him well for the rest of his adoption journey. @Dogesploge knew exactly what they were talking about when they told the rescue cat, "Your forever family is out there."

The Humane Society of Broward County is located in Broward County, Florida, though some folks travel long distances if they fall in love with a specific pet. Considering how much this social orange cat loves people, he'd be so happy to see you no matter where you came from!

Adopting Stray Cats

Even though stray cats get a reputation for being naughty, antisocial, and in the way, many of them are incredibly sweet and easygoing. Sometimes, male hormones can make tomcats defensive of their territory, but many stray cats who become rescued end up as loving pets or outdoor cats.

That being said, please keep your mind open when adopting a cat! Any rescued pet will need a few months to adjust to their new home, so don't discount the cats who may have an unsavory past. Instead, consider the personality traits you'd like your cat to have, and keep in mind any boundaries or limitations you may have. Will your cat need to stay out of certain rooms? Will they be left at home all day while you're at work?

Just let the shelter staff know what you're looking for, and they'll help you find your perfect match. Maybe you'll meet an extraverted orange kitty like Sunshine!

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