Spoiled Mini Dachshund Eats a Better Breakfast Than Most Humans

Shutterstock/Dora Zett

For many of us, mornings are hectic as we try to get out the door to school and work. Breakfast, if there's time for it, is usually something that can be eaten on the go, and I don't think my family has ever enjoyed a sit-down breakfast on a weekday! Hazel is a mini-Dachshund who gets homemade meals regularly, and in this video that her mom posted on Thursday, September 5th, you can see just how spoiled she is!

It starts with mom browning up a piece of meat, medium well, as Hazel requested. Next up on the menu is a couple of fried eggs. Mom cuts it all up and serves it to her on a plate. Hazel eats every last bit of it, and even licks the plate. I think she was a fan of it. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear all of her adorable little impatient sounds as she waits for the deliciousness!

Steak and eggs for breakfast!? Hazel eats better than my family does, and I'm guessing better than most other people eat breakfast, too! I never thought I'd be jealous of a dog, but here I am.

Like me, commenters also adored the mini-Dachshund's video. @caseface and many others pointed out, "The comical yet dramatically long 'moooooooom' with the pitch changes KILLED me!" and @Sarah added, "The lady burp gets me every time LOL!" And I thought the same thing about my dog that @Amber said, "Pretty sure my Chihuahuas would trade me for steak and eggs. They occasionally get ground beef or scrambled eggs."

Related: Dachshund Impatiently Waiting for His Breakfast Is All of Us in the Morning

Human Foods Your Dog Can Always Eat

Hazel's mom shared some friendly and helpful reminders in her caption, "When cooking steak and eggs for your pup, make sure not to use any seasonings and avoid serving raw foods. You can use coconut oil for cooking if needed. Some dogs may be sensitive to certain ingredients; have them try a small sample first. These are considered treats and should not be substituted for meals." She also says to consult your vet if you have any questions.

Many of us enjoy feeding our dogs human food occasionally, and some foods actually are perfectly fine for them to eat as part of their regular diet (though not all at the same time!). Baked or boiled chicken and turkey, eggs, rice, carrots and a wide variety of veggies are all acceptable for them to eat daily according to Hepper. Pumpkin, apples, and bananas are good too. Peanut butter and oats make for safe, healthy treats as well.

Hepper also gives the reminder that your dog's food already has all the nutrition your dog needs, but these other foods can give your dog additional nutrients and antioxidants. They also said, "While all the foods on this list are safe to give to your dog in some amount, that doesn’t mean you should only give this to your dog. Your dog can enjoy great health benefits from the addition of dog-safe fruits and vegetables to its diet." And check out this list of foods that are toxic to dogs that you should never give them. Less is more when it comes to giving your pooch human foods, but they will always enjoy getting them!

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