Oak Ridge's West Village church hosts guest minister from UT Christian Student Fellowship

On Sunday, July 30at 10:30 a.m., West Village Christian Church in Oak Ridge will feature a guest minister, Glen Kuhn, from the University of Tennessee Christian Student Fellowship (CSF). We invite members of the community to join us, especially future UT students.

The logo
The logo

CSF is a non-denominational campus ministry celebrating 50 years of service to UT students this year. On Feb. 17, 1973, area churches and individuals met at Woodlawn Christian Church in Knoxville to create this ministry, which seeks to be a place where every person can wrestle with life and engage faith in a safe and welcoming community. One of the key values of CSF is to promote unity within the body of Christ. Students come from different backgrounds and denominations, and the primary goal is a desire is to help students grow closer to Christ, with the Bible serving as the authority and guide.

This phrase from the Restoration Movement in Christian history, "In essentials unity; in opinions liberty; in all things love," describes the approach of the ministry, as does this passage of scripture:

"But that does not mean we want to dominate you by telling you how to put your faith into practice. We want to work together with you so you will be full of joy, for it is by your own faith that you stand firm." _ 2 Corinthians 1:24

For more information about UT Christian Student Fellowship, visit their website at https://www.utcsf.com/.

West Village Christian Church is located at 637 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge.

This article originally appeared on Oakridger: West Village church to host UT Christian Student Fellowship minister
