Stubborn English Bulldog Blatantly Ignoring Mom’s Commands Is Such a Funny Mood

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Does your dog have selective hearing? Mine certainly does, much like my kids do. If I tell them to do something, they rarely listen. But the second dad speaks up everybody pays attention. Tank is a very stubborn English Bulldog who also has selective hearing. His mom shared a video as an example on Thursday, September 19th, and it will crack you up!

It starts with Tank sitting outside on the family's front patio. It's gated so he can't escape, and he's just watching what's happening in the rest of the world. For nearly a minute, mom continues to command Tank to come inside. He barely even acknowledges her, and instead chooses to ignore her pleas. Mom even tries to shoo him into the house, but he's not having it...that is, until dad speaks up from inside!

As soon as Tank hears dad, he gets up and trots inside! This is the exact same thing that happens at my house when dad speaks up. Everybody listens to him and rarely do I get that kind of response!

Other commenters could relate to the English Bulldog's response as well. @Ryannnn2996 shared, "Every type of Bulldog has the most selective hearing I’ve ever seen in dogs!" @McQueenoffashionista added, "Ba ha ha there is no training Bulldogs to listen LOL! My Frenchie has selective hearing, but she can hear me touching her treats container from a mile away though!" and I cracked up at the commenter who said, "I'm still convinced that my babies still don't know their names."

Related: Stubborn Golden Retriever Refuses to Get in the Car & Dog Walker Can't Stop Laughing

Tips for Dealing with a Stubborn Bulldog

If you have a stubborn Bulldog who thinks it's okay to do what they want when they want, these tips might help alleviate some of the bad behaviors and the frustration that comes with them.

Bulldogs have a strong, independent streak that makes consistent training a must. Once trained, you also must be consistent with enforcing commands and making sure they do what you've told them to do. Consistency entails maintaining the same commands, rewards, and setting clear boundaries and expectations throughout training so that your pooch understands what you are asking - and expecting - of them.

Start with basic commands, like "Sit", "Stay", "Drop it", and "Come" so that you can easily give your dog an instruction using just one word. Maybe Tank didn't know what "In" meant, but he should know what "Come" means.

There are many different training methods out there, so it might take some trial-and-error practice to find the one that works best for your dog. Bulldogs can often be difficult to train because they're so stubborn, so put on your patience pants because you'll need them! Remain calm, use the same voice, and try to keep your frustration at bay. With time, your Bulldog will learn!

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