New Study Suggests Certain Dog Breeds Benefit from Later Neutering

Most dog owners know how important it is to spay and neuter our dogs, and the typical guidelines we have all been told by our veterinarians is that dogs should be fixed at around six months old. This information may not be the best guidelines, because a recent study from UC Davis reveals that the risks and benefits of neutering vary significantly depending on the dog’s breed and sex.

The study found that for some breeds, early neutering may put those dogs at risk of certain diseases.

UC Davis reports, "Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have updated their guidelines on when to neuter 40 popular dog varieties by breed and sex. Their recent paper in Frontiers in Veterinary Science adds five breeds to a line of research that began in 2013 with a study that suggested that early neutering of golden retrievers puts them at increased risk of joint diseases and certain cancers."

Related: Video of Dad Explaining the Dog's Neuter Surgery to His Kid Is a Total Classic

The researchers specifically looked at the correlation between neutering or spaying a dog before 1 year of age and a dog’s risk of developing certain cancers. These include cancers of the lymph nodes, bones, blood vessels or mast cell tumors for some breeds; and joint disorders such as hip or elbow dysplasia, or cranial cruciate ligament tears.

Earth Com explains, "The UC Davis team has compiled their extensive research into comprehensive guidelines covering 40 popular dog breeds."

You can see the guidelines which provide valuable information on the ideal neutering age for each breed and sex, empowering dog owners to make informed decisions based on their dog’s unique characteristics.

Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Dog

It's part of being a good dog owner. <p>SeventyFour/Shutterstock</p>
It's part of being a good dog owner.


There's really no good reason not to spay or neuter your dog, unless you're an ethical dog breeder who is trying to protect the breed.

Not only are there thousands of dogs and puppies in overcrowded shelters that need and deserve forever homes, there are also numerous other dogs and puppies roaming the streets or living in horrific hoarding situations that will eventually need homes too.

It's just a true fact, spaying and neutering helps control the pet population, and it reduces the number of unwanted puppies alleviating the burden on animal shelters and rescue groups. It also saves dogs from being euthanized due to overpopulation.

There are many health benefits of this medical procedure for your dogs. If they are spayed, they will not come into 'heat'. A dog comes into heat for the first time from the age of about five to eight months. Then it occurs approximately every six months. Your dog can be on heat continuously for three to four weeks.

Spayed and neutered dogs tend to live longer, healthier lives due to a reduction in disease risk and injuries from roaming and fighting. Your female dog doesn't wander from your home looking for a dog to mate with.

Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to bite. Unaltered animals often exhibit more behavior and temperament problems than those that have been spayed or neutered. Spaying female dogs eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the incidence of breast cancer.

It's part of your job as being a good pet owner to not contribute to pet overpopulation.

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