Sweet Husky Who Acted As Doula to Mom During Labor Is the Best Big Brother to New Baby

Sarawut Kh/Shutterstock

Raising a dog can be a lot of work, but it's still nothing compared to raising a baby. Between feedings, diaper changes, and helping your baby's mind and body develop, there's hardly any time for parents to take care of themselves. However, parents wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing compares to the joys and rewards of raising your child, but it can be even more special with a furry friend by your side.

Just ask Rach Sullivan! This mom and dog mom lets the family dog, Odin, be a part of as many memories as possible, including welcoming his baby sister to the world. He was by his mom's side throughout her entire pregnancy, and he was the perfect doula when she was in labor. It's only fitting that he's now the best big brother to his second little sister!

Good boy, Odin! He knew when his mama needed a helping paw, and he made sure to stick by her side the whole time. It's no secret that dogs are unwaveringly loyal, but this sweet Siberian Husky takes love and loyalty to an entirely new level! Naturally, he assumed his role as protector the moment he met his new baby sister, too.

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"His face says, 'I'm the best doula to ever exist,'" noticed a commenter named Ashley. He is so proud of himself and his mom! I think he can tell that his presence is helping her get through the difficult labor, but I wonder what he was thinking when Mom and Dad finally left for the hospital. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long until the entire family was home together again. Once he gave his littlest sis a sniff, he knew that she was his forever. It's no wonder why this loyal dog hasn't left her side!

Why Dogs Love Babies

Dogs falling in love with their newborn siblings is a tale as old as time, but it never gets old. But why is it that dogs connect so strongly to family members they've never met before?

Many animals, including dogs, communicate via smell. They often pick up on one another's pheromones and chemical scents after someone marks their territory or leaves scent behind, so they'll look for human scent signals, too. These scents will tell a dog certain things about you, like your age and gender. It's possible that dogs can smell pregnancy hormones, too!

It's a likely guess that Odin knew his little sister was on her way, especially since he experienced this before with his toddler sister, Sutton. This gorgeous red Siberian Husky a professional big brother by now, and there's no question just how devoted this family dog is.

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