Sweet Rescue Chihuahua Finally Gets Fostered and Her First Night in New Home Is Perfect

CC Annette Shaff/Shutterstock

The power of fostering can't be overlooked. Just take a Chihuahua named Miley, whose whole world was changed when she was taken. The feeling is definitely mutual. Her new owners looked pleased as punch in a video showing the first 24 hours the pup spent at their house.

Foster mom Tate Mitchell was practically buzzing when she brought the Chihuahua home. Just by the looks of her, it was clear the 10-year-old dog was special.

The dog mom cradled Miley in her arms as she brought her through the door. Miley is a cutie alright. She is a little on the chubby side and her tongue always sticks out. It's incredibly endearing — how could you not fall in love?

Related: Chihuahua 'Yells' at Cats Who Got Loose Just Like a Human Mom

Every first was special. From Miley's first time sniffing around their house to her very first time going to the bathroom outside. There were a few things that Miley still needs to get the hang of, like walking up the stairs and getting herself on the couch. But we'd say her first day was a success. She's going to love her new home.

Miley has a ton of new fans in the comments section. "Not to be dramatic but I would die for her," wrote one person. "I love her so much. I don't know she just reminded me that limits are just in our head. I like that she still tried to climb, jump and run. She doesn’t know she’s any different," someone else praised. "She’s a precious little chunk, even the cat came to say hi," another commenter pointed out. "That tummy. She is so adorable. She kind of looks like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh and I love it sooo much," gushed one person.

Why Adopt a Chihuahua

Everyday thousands of people bring home a Chihuahua, so what is it about this small breed that has people so obsessed. Chihuahuas are the ultimate companion. They are extremely affectionate and want nothing more than to be snuggled up with their favorite human. And they do play favorites. A Chihuahua may not like strangers, or most people for that matter. But when they find one person to love, they are extremely loyal.

Chihuahuas are very courageous too. They're the sort of dog whose bark is bigger than their bite. Don't tell that to them though, they will fiercely defend their family when needed and you don't want to mess with a Chihuahua when it's mad.

When properly trained and socialized, Chihuahuas should be perfectly fine. And it doesn't hurt that they're absolutely adorable. That would make anyone want to bring one home.

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