Tabby Cat Freaks Out After Mom Presents Her with a Doppelganger Doll

CC Alexandra Morosanu/Shutterstock

The present that one cat mom got for her tabby completely backfired on her. Whoops! The woman really thought her cat Tippy was going to like the look-alike doll she got her. But instead Tippy was totally weirded out.

It was a sweet gesture, but the tabby, um...didn't really get it. Her mom showed her the doll (or pillow, depending on how you look at it) but Tippy was not a fan.

It's so clear that the cat mom really thought the gift was going to go over well. But from the start the tabby absolutely hated seeing herself as a doll.

Related: Tabby Cat Asking for Stretches Is Just Like a Little Kid Asking to Be Picked Up

"Who's this?" the woman asked in the footage.

"Meow!" her cat replied, which we would loosely interpret to mean "who the heck is that?!" 

"It's you!" the mom explained. But the damage was already done. The tabby backed away and seemed petrified.

"I think it's great!" the cat mom joked.

"Imagine being afraid of yourself as a cushion. Come on girl get it together," she teased in the caption.

The comments section understood Tippy's fear. "This is like uncanny valley for cats," joked one person. "Imagine if something more intelligent than us held out a life-like husk of our corpse attempting to convey emotion and asked in a language you didn't understand if you like it," another person pointed out. While one commenter had a guess at what was really going on: "A lot of animals don't like things that look like animals but they don't blink because the not blinking tells them the other 'animal' is being dominant/aggressive, which is why she's going airplane ears. She's scared," they suggested.

Common Cat Fears

There's a reason why they're often known as "scaredy cats" — kitties are easily spooked. There are lots of things that can get a cat all wound up. Here are just a few that you should know about.

Any cat owner who's tried to run the vacuum knows that cats do not like it. That's putting it lightly. Most cats don't like loud noises of any kind, including thunder, lawn mowers, fireworks, or even hair dryers. You can't stop all of these, but it's good to know there's a chance your cat could run and hide if they get scared.

It's been sad that cats aren't fans of water and that is unfortunately very true. There are a few different reasons for this, but it's mostly because wet fur is very uncomfortable for them.

Much like humans, some cats really don't like confined spaces. They become afraid that they won't be able to leave!

You won't really know what your cat is scared of until they get spooked. But it's good to know what's likely to set them off in case they try to bolt! It's always better to be safe than sorry.

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