Toddler Tries to Follow French Bulldog Out the Doggy Door and Chaos Ensues


If you have babies, fur babies, and a doggie door that allows your dogs to go outside on their own, chances are that at one time or other your kids have tried to crawl out through the door, too. I know mine did when they were little! ABC News shared the cutest video of an 11-month-old toddler name Leila who got herself stuck while following her French Bulldog Lulu outside to play, and it'll make you smile.

The video, taken in Novato, California, was shared on Tuesday, September 17th. It starts with mom noticing little Leila stuck half in and half out of the doggie door. Lulu is waiting for her outside, ready to play. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear Leila and her mom talk about the adorable conundrum!

Leila's the cutest! She was barking just like Lulu, and yes, she did realize that she was stuck, she even says so! ABC News watchers got a kick out of the sweet video. @Vikki Seelig said what we were all thinking, "I love her little bark!" @Lee Hart pointed out, "It sounded like she was calling for the dogs to help her when mom walked out there." Another commenter added that she wasn't stuck, "Naw she's living her best life!"

Related: Man Gets Himself Stuck in Doggie Door and Wife's Reaction Is the Best

Doggy Door Safety Tips

When my twins were probably the same age as Leila, our West Highland Terriers taught them how to crawl in and out of the doggy door. My 2-year-old son would wait outside for them to come out and play, and the dogs would be at their happiest when they were all out there together. We had a cover that I could put over it to keep everybody inside, and I used it often! Another commenter pointed out that the French Bulldog's door had one and it was sitting next to the door, a clear indication that the family uses it regularly.

Commenter @Sara wondered, "What if she didn’t get stuck and took off? They need to seal that up immediately." This of course started a whole conversation about how she was overreacting. I agreed with @higginsbob who replied, "You think they allow an 11-month-old to roam free? She was obviously being watched." I used to sit in the living room and watch the same thing happen! But like another commenter said, moms can't watch kids every single second, so they need to be diligent when it comes to the doggy door and safety.

It's best to keep the cover on the door when you are home and can let your dog in and out. This prevents kids from slipping through and getting outside without you realizing it. It also keeps unwanted things outside from coming inside! Going through the door can also cause little ones to scrap their knees and elbows or bump their heads trying to fit through. If you let your little ones use the doggy door like I did, you may want to consider putting rubber around the door's edges and putting down a soft padding on the inside and outside of the door. I didn't do that, but it's an option.

If you don't want to deal with your child escaping through the door, there are many doggy doors now that only open when your fur baby gets close enough that a special collar activates it. Worth checking out if your yard isn't fenced in or you don't want to worry anybody (or anything!) else using the door.

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