Totally Relaxed Chicken Starts Purring While Getting a Bath and It’s Too Cute

Shutterstock/Nick Beer

They say that you learn something new every day, and what I learned today was that chickens purr. I had no idea! The Husky Fam shared a video at the end of July of their chicken Dorthy getting a bath, and it's a moment of Zen that you didn't know you needed.

If you're like me, the idea of giving a chicken a bath might seem like it would be a chaotic mess, but you'd be wrong. Dorthy actually enjoys the pampering, and lucky for us, her mom recorded Dorthy's reaction to her bath. Make sure your sound is on so that you can hear her's absolutely adorable!

Ya'll, chickens purr! I had no idea, and I'm so glad I got to hear it! The Husky Fam's video was so relaxing to watch, and I wasn't alone thinking that. People left nearly 4 thousand comments, many people saying it was so relaxing they were going to save it! But the thing that stood out the most to people was how adorable of a chicken Dorthy is. @fish shared, "TikTok is making me want and alpaca, fluffy cow, a fat cat and now a fluffy chicken." @Sabrina wondered, "Where does one acquire a fluffy chicken?" and another commenter added, "How do I explain to my husband that I want a fluffy chicken?" Others were blown away by the purring. @Kinsley couldn't believe it, "CHICKENS CAN PURR?? [happy][happy]!!!!!"

Related: Chicken's Precious Reaction to Being Swaddled After a Bath Is Everything

Do Chickens Make Good Pets?

Now that we all want a fluffy, purring chicken, you might be wondering if chickens make good pets. They sure do! Believe it or not, chickens can be cuddly and affectionate with their humans. They are inexpensive to feed and care for, and you get free eggs! They also love to eat bugs (free pest control!) and make fertilizer that is great for your garden. They all have their own fun personalities and can provide hours of entertainment once they get used to you.

Chickens will eat just about anything, so if you're like me and feel guilty throwing away leftovers, having chickens will solve that problem. The only foods that should be avoided include onions, garlic, chocolate, uncooked eggs, and of course foods that are rotted or moldy.

Chickens are low maintenance pets. They don't require any grooming (they really don't even need to be bathed) and you never have to worry about walking them. All you really need to worry about is feeding them (which is inexpensive and only costs about $2 a day) and keeping their coop clean.

And believe it or not, you can even train chickens! Know Your Chickens shared, "Chickens are very intelligent, and are fairly easy to train and taught to do tricks – in some cases, you can even teach them to do things on command." They go on to say that chickens also have good memories and "have the ability to recall and recognize hundreds of different faces." I've never considered having chickens, until now. Getting free eggs and having cute little friends hopping around the backyard sounds like it might be fun!

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