Tough Looking Manx Cat’s Face Doesn’t Match His Tiny Meow

Shutterstock/Mohd Shahril Mutel

Cats are known for being a quirky bunch with big personalities. They can be moody and grouchy and then sweet and loving—all within seconds of each other. Atlas is a Manx cat who—at first glance—looks like a tough cat that you wouldn't want to mess with. His mom posted a video on Instagram in mid-August, proving that things are not always what they appear to be.

Set to heavy metal music, mom shows different clips of Atlas' scowl. He's definitely not a cat you'd want to cross...or is he? Make sure your sound is on because Atlas' meow doesn't match his face!

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That is seriously one of the cutest, tiniest meows I've ever heard from a full-grown cat! Atlas' video got more than 2 million views and viewers left more than 6 thousand comments. @mere_wphoto got nearly 33 thousand likes when they pointed out, "He looks like an old biker guy who looks intimidating but is actually the nicest guy ever." while @diego agreed and added, "Bikers in cat form." If you have a teenager at home, you'll laugh at @realvojcek's comment, "The meowing must be edited... I don't believe that this ultra skibidi toilet sigma meows like that."

Related: Ragdoll Cat's Mean Facial Expression Has People Cracking Up

Cool Facts About Manx Cats

In Atlas' Instagram bio, mom shares that he was born without a tail, and while it doesn't sound like it's been confirmed, they believe because of this that he's probably a Manx cat. I'd never heard of the breed before but learned more about it in another Pet Helpful article, "The Manx cat comes from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. This is the only breed of cat that can have no tail at all. These are referred to as rumpies. Some Manx will have a short stump of a tail while others can actually have a long tail.

These cats have a round appearance thanks to their stout build, round head, and round rear. Their front legs are typically shorter than their hind legs. The Manx is one of the founding breeds in the Cats Fancier Association, which was founded in 1906."

That didn't tell me a whole lot about the cat, so I headed out to find more. What I found is that they sound like pretty cool cats! They are known for their playful, dog-like behavior; they actually love to fetch, follow their owners around much like dogs do, and even enjoy water, something that almost all cats hate.

Mental Floss shared this interesting fact, which has to do with the breed's origin, "People once said the Manx was running late for Noah’s Ark, and Noah slammed the door and severed its tail. Others theorized that Manxes were “cabbits”—the hybrid offspring of a cat and a rabbit—due to their long back legs, short tail, and rounded rump."

I'm going to be following Atlas because some of the other videos his human posts are pretty funny. I can't wait to see more of him!

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