Tuxedo Cat Declares She’s Over All the Guests in the House in the Funniest Way

CC Melanie Hobson/Shutterstock

Have you ever heard of introverts and extroverts? Well animals have a version of this too. Some pets love to be around humans. While others...not so much. Boots likes her quiet and her downtime. Hence her hilarious meltdown after being around too many people all day.

The very vocal cat was over it. As can clearly be seen in the adorable footage her owner shared.

Boots has a unique way of expressing herself. She was looking for her dad and let it be known.

You can hear the tuxedo cat before you even see her in the footage. It was like she was calling for her papa with every step. "Meow? Meow? Meow?" 

Related: Tuxedo and Orange Cats Have a Wild Time on Their Morning Walk and It's Too Cute

"Bringing the birthday toy upstairs for dad," her owner joked in the text overlay.

The cat kept going even after she found her owners. All that yowling really took a lot out of her. When she laid down she needed a minute to wind down from her search.

"She was letting us know how upset she was over all the extra people over the house today," the cat mom explained in the caption.

Boots certainly got people in the comments section's attention. "I thought it was some old guy walking up the stairs in pain at first," admitted one commenter. "I expected someone to walk into frame with a trumpet," someone else chimed in. "Honestly I make the same noise whenever I have to go up stairs," kidded another person. "I forgot I was wearing headphones and I started to look around for an old man screaming at me," added one commenter.

Another video on the page shows Boots after she finally found her dad and delivered his "birthday present."

Animals sure do have a funny way of showing their love, huh?

Why Do Cats Bring You ‘Gifts’?

Dad really got lucky. Usually when a cat brings you a gift it's a dead bird or mouse. The reason why they do this isn't because they love you. Sorry, cats aren't being nice. Cats are instinctually mousers — they have strong prey drives and will pounce on birds or rodents when they get the chance.

When cats bring their prey home it's not because they saw something they thought you'd like and brought it home for you. It's because cats want to eat their catch somewhere safe or store it for later. And unfortunately for us humans, that's the same space they share with you.

It's pretty gross when you think about it. Thank goodness Boots' prey was a cat toy. Otherwise her dad's birthday would've had a very different vibe.

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