Tuxedo Cat Mom Shocked To Discover Her Cat Has Total Separate Life with Neighbors

CC photos by keith/Shutterstock

Have you ever wondered what your cat does all day? Surely they aren't following you 24/7. But that does sort of have us wondering, where are they when they aren't lounging in front of the TV? One woman recently learned that her cat was living a second life outside the house. And now she's shared a video of the kitty caught in the act.

There's no way Jessica Scheck Henry wasn't totally caught off-guard when she learned that her cat CJ was two-timing her.

It's not clear how the woman learned of her tuxedo cat's deceit, but the details of CJ's misdeeds are sort of hilarious.

In a video Henry shared, she explained that she recently learned that CJ has "his own bed in the neighbor's house, has a spot through a window he enters as he pleases, eats Fancy Feasts, and has special kitty treats," she wrote. CJ also "jumps in the car" with the neighbors, "has a human BFF named Rob," is called "Oreo" at their neighbor's house, and "they refer to him as their step-cat," she explained.

Related: Tuxedo Cat Claiming the Baby Crib As His Own Is Such a Boss

To add insult to injury, the video shows the woman walking over to what we assume is her neighbor's house. There was Oreo — we mean CJ — just chilling on their front step.

People in the comments section also had pets they shared with neighbors. "We have a step-cat too lol. Once the neighbor's cat found out we serve wet food, she was always in our yard waiting for her little treat lol," wrote one person. "The neighbor kids would knock on our door and ask to play with Bud, my childhood pet Maine Coon. We handed him over and he would come home hours later," another commenter shared. "My cat sleeps on both neighbor's front porches. They have little kids and he knows they'll pet him and tell him he's pretty," added another person.

Why Do Cats Roam?

Some cats just love the great outdoors. But is that safe? Roaming can be normal, if not a little worrying. The reason why cats do it is plain old curiosity. Cats who haven't been spayed or neutered can also stray from home too. These cats are usually looking for a mate. Another reason why cats leave is because they have a strong hunting drive and they're looking for prey.

Getting your cat spayed or neutered is one way to get them to stop roaming. You'll also want to microchip your cat and make sure their vaccines are up to date in case they leave home. If you're really worried about your cat, speak with a cat behaviorist. They can give you lots of tips on how to keep your cat home.

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