Tuxedo Cat Has the Sweetest, Most Adorable Way of Asking Her Mom for Love

Tuxedo kitty lying on a bed<p>Jilin Su via Shutterstock</p>
Tuxedo kitty lying on a bed

Jilin Su via Shutterstock

Tuxedo cats are absolutely irresistible little felines. As if their fancy little furry suits weren't adorable enough, they always know how to work their cuteness and charm in just the right way to melt your heart every time - just like this sweet little tuxy baby, Strawberry.

Though Strawberry is still just a kitten, she's already an expert at communicating her needs to her human family. Watch as she works her adorable kitty magic to ask her human mama for some cuddle time!

There's just no saying "no" to those precious paws! When Little Miss Strawberry wants a little love and attention from her human mother (@laurenncats on TikTok), she doesn't just meow or flash her big kitty-cat eyes and hope for the best. Nope, this tiny tuxedo cat has a whole "cuddle me" dance routine worked out, and it works every time. She's literally miming out the head pets she wants to receive!

Related: Tuxedo Cat Claiming the Baby Crib As His Own Is Such a Boss

Strawberry's irresistible cuddle dance didn't just charm her mama. Cat lovers from all over TikTok marveled at the little tuxy's adorable dance - and her impressive communication skills!

"She communicates her needs better than I do," @mcdouble-queen admitted.

"There are tears in my eyes! My love of tuxedo cats transcends all else, she has the cutest paws I've ever seen," another viewer admired.

Why Tuxedo Cats Always Seem So Affectionate

Unlike Strawberry, not every tuxedo cat has a whole dance routine planned when they want a cuddle sesh with their pet parents. However, most folks with a tuxie in their household will agree that they're sweet, affectionate babies who are always eager to receive a little love. What is it about tuxedo cats that makes them so affectionate?

Well, technically speaking, there's not any reason for tuxedos to be more or less affectionate than other cats. After all, a tuxedo isn't a type of black-and-white cat breed, but a specific type of coat pattern variation, just like a calico or tortoiseshell. Your tuxedo cat can belong to any number of cat breeds (or moggy mixes) that can have black and white fur, so their temperament probably isn't due to genetics.

Still, numerous pet parents (including these tuxedo cat lovers on Reddit) will insist that their tuxies have disproportionately sweet, affectionate temperaments. Could it be personal bias? Are tuxedo cats more inclined to be sweet because people are more likely to fawn over them and their adorably formal coats? Or is there something about having a tuxedo-patterned coat that magically makes cats more likely to be sweeties?

Perhaps we'll never know, but it in the end, does it matter? What's important is that you return the love and affection your tuxedo cat shows you - and if your tuxie does a whole dance just to ask you for some one-on-one quality time, you'd better bring on the pets!

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