Tuxedo and Orange Cats Have a Wild Time on Their Morning Walk and It's Too Cute

CC Liao Zhiwo Henry/Shutterstock

They say that cats are indoor animals, but a video online is really testing that theory. Jack Spicer and Pumpkin aren't sitting around the house all day, nope. These two like to take a morning "stroll" outside and totally let their inner their wild sides out in the process.

The two cats from Denver, Colorado have the best morning routines.

The orange and tuxedo cat get to spend their mornings frolicking out in the fields by their owner's home. In the clip their owner shared, it shows the two cats running, jumping, pouncing, and chasing after each other. They even got to use their stalking skills.

Related: 14-Year-Old Senior Cat Sweetly Asks Neighbor Kitty to Come Out and Play

It must be amazing to be a cat taking a stroll outside. And have no fear, it seems like their owners were right there watching them the entire time.

"Jack Spicer and Pumpkin out on a morning walk before a rainstorm showed up," the caption reads.

People in the comments section were downright jealous. One commenter jokingly called them "professional frolickers." "I wish I lived out in the country so I could let my babies wander like that," someone else added. "I can’t tell you the joy this brought my heart," another commenter admitted. While someone else noticed something else about the two: "I know Sam and Frodo leaving the shire when I see them!" they exclaimed.

A second video on the cats' page shows them having an afternoon zoomie session on the farm.

The climbed over and around all the hay bales. "They are chonky little scooters," their owner joked in the caption.

Can Cats Hangout Outside?

Can you let your cats outside? Should you let your cats outside? There are lots of opinions about this topic and ultimately it comes down to lots of different factors.

The truth is that your cat likes to be outside. But deciding if you should let them out really does depend on whether you can keep them safe. You don't want your cat to run away or for a predator to attack them.

It is healthy for cats to have a little time outside, however. If you're going to let your cat out make sure you keep an eye on them the entire time. Don't leave the unsupervised for even a minute and keep them away from anything in your yard that could possibly be poisonous. You can also use a leash if you're really nervous too.

You should refrain from letting your cat in the yard if they are new to your home or are a kitten. They may not be acclimated to your home yet and are more likely to run away.

If you're really nervous, a catio (that's cat patio) might be the answer. It's an enclosed outdoor space that will allow your cat to roam freely, but you'll never worry that they'll take off.

Having an outdoor cat is possible. You just need to take precautions to keep them safe.

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