Velcro Pittie Ignores Other Pups at the Dog Park When Mom Is Around and It's Too Cute

CC NDanko/Shutterstock

Even the best of friends need a little space, right? Not to one Pittie online, who only had eyes for his mama while at the dog park recently. It was like the pup didn't even realize there were other dogs there with them. In her eyes, mom is the best person around, none of the other dogs there could even compete.

The woman is clearly a good dog mama because her 1-year-old Pittie rescue is so in love with her.

The two must spend a lot of time together because as the video the woman shared proves, Meira was a little preoccupied on their recent day out.

The footage shows the Pittie ignoring all the other dogs at the park so that she could stare at her mom through the glass. Maybe the Pit Bull just wanted to make sure her mom was paying attention? But either way it was just too sweet.

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"POV: You take your velcro Pittie to the dog park/coffee shop to try and get work done..." she wrote in the onscreen caption. Yeah, something tells us that wasn't going to happen.

"Everyone commented on how loud she cries for me," she added.

Commenters couldn't stop laughing at Meira's attachment issues. "Mine is semi-famous at Brew Park for SCREAMING if I ever try to leave the play area," shared one commenter who felt her pain. "Me when I only know one person at a party," someone else joked. "Me at work with the person who trained me," another commenter teased. While another commenter had a similar experience. "This is why my Pittie failed the daycare entrance exam. 'Tilly was more interested in attempting to escape the daycare than interacting with the other dogs,'" they recalled.

Socializing Your Dog

As much as you want your dog to love you, it's important that they have friends of their own. Dogs are social creatures, so the more they can flex their friend muscles the better.

It's probably best to start your dog young if you want them to be comfortable around other animals. Dogs learn the most starting at around 3 weeks old to about 16 to 20 weeks. At this point they are like sponges and should be exposed to lots of different scents and experiences. You'll want to let them meet lots of different people and lots of different dogs. As they get older you can try new venues to meet dogs, like dog parks and doggy day care. Eventually your dog will be totally cool around new animals. But have no fear, you'll always be their number one.

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