Vet Nurse Adopts Injured Puppy Brought To Be Euthanized & Turns Him Into Happiest Boy

Shutterstock / Karen Sanders Studio

Spend any time working in animal rescue or a vet’s office, and you’ll have to grow a pretty tough skin. Every day there are heartbreaking cases to deal with—deathly ill pets, cases of starving and mistreated and abandoned animals, and heartbreaking decisions that have to be made. One of the most depressing is the case of injured dogs whose medical care is out of the reach of affordability for their caretakers. Veterinary care is not cheap, and the vast majority of pets do not have insurance. In those cases, humane euthanasia is often the only choice pet owners feel like they are left with.

But for those willing and able to take on the bills, even grievous injuries like the one suffered by this adorable mixed-breed puppy can be overcome and the animal can live a long and happy life.

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The vet nurse who saved this dog was not even supposed to be working on the day the injured twelve-week-old puppy was brought in to be put down. The animal was severely injured, with a back leg broken in three separate places. His life had barely begun, and now it was going to be cut short.

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The puppy had likely been hit by a car, and for many people, the prospect of dealing with a disabled puppy for life (as well as the vet bills the amputation would incur) was far too high to deal with. But this nurse fell in love and first sight.

Instead of euthanizing the dog, she asked if she could keep it, taking on all the financial and physical responsibility for the animal. His back leg was removed and he began the long process of healing. While he recovered, the nurse visited him every day, naming the dog Koe and learning everything she could about his sweet personality.

Now, he’s a member of the family and the biggest love bug. His missing leg doesn’t slow him down much and his huge heart and gentle spirit make all the sacrifices worth it in the end.

When Vet Bills Are Scary

Often, pets end up being recommended for euthanasia because the treatments options are incredibly expensive and out of the reach of most people’s budgets. Pet insurance exists, but is also pricey and must be purchased before a dog receives injuries or is diagnosed with conditions so the treatments aren’t excluded as “pre-existing conditions.” Others go on lengthy payment plans to afford their pet’s treatments. For many people faced with enormous vet bills, there is no choice but to surrender their beloved animals, or even abandon them.

Tripod Dogs

But though the prospect of amputating a dog’s leg sounds scary, most people find that dogs adjust quite well to being a “tripod” — even senior dogs who spent their whole lives with four limbs. They quickly find a new center of gravity and can often be more spry and athletic than they were before, as the pain or condition causing them trouble is now gone and not bothering them anymore. It may take a few weeks for your dog to get used to the new normal, but once they do—watch out!

We wish Joe and his new family a long and happy life together.

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