Vet Parodies What It Would Be Like if Dogs Attended Football Games and It’s a Riot

Shutterstock/Javier Brosch

Do you ever wonder what your dog is thinking? I wonder a lot, especially when my dog is staring at me and doesn't look very happy with me! I always get a kick out of people who create videos pretending to say what their pets are thinking because it's usually the same thing that I think they'd be thinking!

That's why I knew I had to share this video from veterinarian Dr. Molly Brinkmann who posted a video on Tuesday, September 17th of her pretending to be different dog breeds at a football game. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear what 'they' are saying. Her take on each breed is so spot on!

These all cracked me up! The Beagle is just there for the snacks (totally relatable!). The Bernese Mountain dog is excited and confused at the same time. The German Shepherd acting like a ref. The Cavalier wants everybody to win. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I gotta say, the spicy cat at the very end might have been it!

People were cracking up at Dr. Molly's video. @MDR said, "They’re all so perfectly represented and as usual I love when you wrap it up with the spicy cat (really, who cares! LOL!)" @c.karp shared, "Hahaha I have 3 German Shepherds and we call them the fun police and lifeguards so calling out the refs is on point haha!"@Lauren cracked me up when she admitted, "Today I learned I am a German Shepherd/Border Collie mix!"

Related: Los Angeles Chargers' New Team Pup Is the Best Part About Football

Pet Safety Tips for Game Day

Whether you're watching the big game with your pooch at the stadium or hanging out at home with family and friends, there's a lot happening on game day. People bring snacks (and drinks!) that you might not normally have within reach of your dog, and our curious and always-eating fur babies are willing to try it all.

The AKC shares some party foods that are toxic to dogs that you have to pay special attention to if you're serving them up or enjoying them. These foods are dangerous because, "they contain ingredients like xylitol, garlic, or onions which are toxic to dogs, or contain high quantities of salt which can make dogs sick. Popular party foods to keep away from your dog include:

If you're serving alcoholic beverages, it goes without saying that those are all big no-no's for your dog, too.

Having so many people around them in one place can also be stressful for them, leading to fear and anxiety. Keep an eye on your dog and make sure that they're not showing any sensory overload symptoms or signs of stress (hiding, tucking their tales, pinning back their ears, sticking like glue to you) or even more aggressive ones like barking, biting, or growing. If any of these occur, it might be time for a break, in a quiet room away from all of the people and noise. The AKC also recommends this helpful tip, "Even if your dog is joining in the party, it’s a good idea to give them some breaks. Spend a commercial break or even halftime getting your dog out for a walk or a quick play in the yard to decompress from the festivities." Good advice to tuck away for your next big game day!

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