Video of Pet Owl’s Adorable Routine After Getting a Bath Is Making Everybody Smile

Don Mammoser/Shutterstock

Some pets enjoy bathtime and look forward to it, and Yaffle the owl is one of those pets! Yaffle loves to 'shake it' after bathtime, by flapping its wings and hopping about to get the excess water off of its feathers. It's the cutest thing you'll see today!

The video starts with Yaffle doing what its human refers to as the 'shaky shake' dance to Outkast's song, "Hey Ya!" (shake it like a Polaroid picture!), and if the video ended there, I would've been happy. But Yaffle isn't done yet! Watch to the end to see if Yaffle can fly when wet.

This was just too cute! That song is an earworm and it'll be playing in my head all day, and luckily, I'm okay with that! One commenter agreed and added, "Perfect song for his shakey shake dance. Yaffle has the moves!!!"  I'm with @Mrs DejaVu who shared, "And now I want an owl! LOL! They're so majestic and cute!" @Moony asked, "Why is he a pet? Is he hurt/ill? Are you a vet/animal rehabilitation person?" The answer is yes. Yaffle the Owl's human says in their bio that Yaffle is a, "Burrowing owl, living with other adopted and rescued troublemakers."

Related: Woman Shares Her Pet Owl’s Bedtime Routine and We’re Totally Fascinated

Why Birds Love Music

Commenter @Heather Bendler laughed, "Everyone do the Yaffle dance!!! My African greys do their own preening- post bathing moves! It is neat to see Yaffle’s moves!!!!" I know what she means! My parents have had an Amazon parrot for the past 45 years, and he loves getting bathed and then dancing and shaking it off. In fact, he just loves music in general!

A study at Emory University found that when birds hear birdsongs, they respond to the music similarly to how people do. Pathways that the human brain employs when we listen to music are the same ones that a bird brain employs. This helps explain why parrots love to sing and dance so much!

When birds hear music, most of the time you'll notice that they 'dance'. They bob and weave, move back and forth, and display other physical responses to songs just like we do. They might not be on beat with the music, but you can tell they're getting their groove on!

Bird Pursuits had this to say specifically about owls and music, "Research has shown that owls become more active and alert when exposed to certain classical pieces. Similarly, some studies suggest that owls may also respond positively to certain types of folk or traditional music, as their simple and repetitive rhythms are reminiscent of the sounds of the forest." They go on to share this cool fact, "By dancing, owls may be trying to make sense of the music or enjoying its beauty."

I don't know about you, but I can't get enough of dancing birds. I could watch them all day long, and love sharing the cute videos I find of them doing it!

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