White German Shepherd 'Chooses' Kind New Mom Proving 'Dog Distribution' Is Real

CC hendra yuwana/Shutterstock

Sometimes you know when you're ready for a dog, and other times it really seems like the universe makes the call for you. Just like it did for one woman online, who shared how her white German Shepherd seemed to fall into her lap.

In a video she shared online, it seems that the woman and the dog were meant to be.

The new dog mom was cuddled up with her new BFF as she relayed the latest update in their saga.

"I took her to the vet and yes, she has a chip," the woman said of her white German Shepherd.

Related: German's Shepherd's Terrified Face Over the Family Cat Is Priceless

The vet contacted the company that makes the chip and eventually they tracked down the dog's original owner.

"The owner says she does not want her," the woman explained. The owner even advised the vet to send the dog to the pound.

The woman admitted that the call, "broke my heart," she said, "it's been an emotional couple of days."

She couldn't stop crying at the thought of this woman abandoning her dog. She then called the owner herself and got permission to transfer the dog's chip information to her name.

People in the comments section were so happy for them. "She is so beautiful. I am so happy she found her way to you," wrote one person. "She chose you. She will be your best friend. Thank you for investing your time with her," someone else praised. "That is so cold and cruel of the old owner. Happy that she found you," another commenter praised. "She was looking for a home that would love her and she found you, they know where they feel safe, comfortable and loved," chimed in one person.

The Dog Showed up on the Woman’s Doorstep

This whole thing started a week ago when the woman came home and found the German Shepherd at her door.

"This beauty came to our door today! Is this part of the dog distribution system?" she joked in the video she shared at the time. "I've never had a dog so..."

The woman opened her door to the pup because it was hot outside and she could tell that she was thirsty.

Weirdly enough the dog came back the next day, seeming to prove that things were meant to be.

"She left yesterday, I came back from playing tennis and found her outside my drive way, I've given her water and I will go buy dog food today just to have on standby!" the woman wrote in the video's caption.

We all know how things went from there. The dog ultimately came to stay with the woman and their bond grew. Now these two really have something to celebrate. One dog's owner loss, truly is another's treasure.

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