Woman Comes Home to Find Family of Donkeys in Her Front Yard and It's Just Too Cute

CC Dietrich Leppert/Shutterstock

We don't deserve donkeys. We know that people tend to feel that way about dogs, but trust us — donkeys are so incredibly pure. One California woman saw their magic when she pulled up to her house and was greeted by a full herd of donkeys. And then experience is sure to be something she'll never forget.

Brooke Hagen must've been amazed when she came home and found the surprise guests on her lawn.

Can you even imagine seeing all these beautiful donkeys at your house? It wasn't just one or two, but a whole group of them! That might not sound amazing to some people, but it really was. In the video that Hagen shared, it shows the donks just hanging out on the front lawn waiting for the woman to arrive. Some even go up to her car to greet her! It's like they have their own person petting zoo.

Related: Adorable Donkey Rejected By His Mama Has Inspiring Rescue Story

"The coolest part about living out here," Hagen wrote in the caption.

This was so cool to people in the comments section. "I'm so jealous. All I get is a opossum hanging out in my backyard," wrote one person. "Got to see the herd roaming last time I went through the hills in Moval, I cried. I love donkeys!" someone else cheered. "Oh my GOD those faces are too cute," added another person. "People don’t realize these mules and donkeys are beyond loyal, once you earn its trust you’ve heard of a best friend and they are so overprotective of livestock etc. They will chase off coyotes," one commenter pointed out.

Are Donkeys Friendly?

Donkeys are seriously misunderstood. Most people think that donkeys are stubborn, but that's not true. These animals are seriously sweethearts — but they are very responsive to humans. So if they don't like what you're doing, they'll let you know.

They also pick up on the energy that their humans put out. So a nervous donkey owner will produce a nervous donkey. That being said, donkeys aren't stubborn by nature. They're actually social creatures that crave interaction with others.

They're also very, very affectionate. They like to live in herds with each other and can get depressed when they're alone. Donkeys don't like to live without a companion and have been known to bond with animals outside their species just to have a pal. That's all to say that if you've written off donkeys in the past, it's time to reconsider. They are the most curious little creatures and deserve so much more respect.

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