Woman Makes Hilarious Contraption to Keep Tabs on Her Pet Turtle in the Yard

CC suriyachan/Shutterstock

Don't you just hate it when you lose your pet turtle in the yard? No? This isn't a common problem that people have? Well if it is something that plagues you, boy does one woman have a solution. And now people are cracking up over the way she keeps tabs on her beloved pet.

The self-professed "tortoise enthusiast" shared her pretty genius contraption so that she doesn't lose Mr. Mushroom in the grass.

We're not kidding. The design makes so much sense! In the clip the woman shared online, the turtle could have easily faded into the grass. Both are green, of course, and one time the woman even spent 24 minutes looking for the pet when she lost him in the grass.

Related: Turtle's Cute Obsession With One of His Caretakers Is Touching People's Hearts

Which is why the woman came up with a way to make sure she could always keep an eye on the turtle no matter where he went in the yard. All she needed was a pipe cleaner and a little creativity — BOOM. A perfectly good turtle tracker. No need to thank her. She gave up this hot tip for free.

The mom did joke that her turtle probably "feels like a bubble wand." Welp, you can't win them all Mr. Mushroom.

"I look ridiculous," a voiceover speaking for the animal said.

People in the comments section thought the idea was so smart. "Please get a turtle shaped balloon and tie it around him when he’s outside," begged one person. "Needs one of those spinning flowers on him to chase away any flying enemies," another commenter suggested. "Twenty-four minutes, I once spent four days looking for my lost tortoise in the garden," shared another commenter. Although one person warned that there is a chance the contraption could go wrong. "My husband just said 'it's just a handle for a hawk!!!'" they wrote.

Taking Care of a Pet Turtle

So you've decided to get a turtle. Congrats! Turtles are amazing pets and delightful companions. Here are some quick tips on turtle care:

Turtles love warmth. Yep, these little guys need about 12 hours of sun every single day. So a heat lamp is a must. Different breeds of turtles require different temperatures to stay happy. You'll also want a large, 40 gallon tank that has a land area and a water area too.

It's important to keep clean when handling your turtle too. Wash your hands before and after touching the animal, as they can sometimes carry salmonella. This will make sure you won't transfer any germs to your turtle and they won't transfer any germs to you.

Turtles are truly such fun pets. And just think, some of them can even double as bubble wands.

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