Woman Puts Out a Musical Mat for Her Ducks and Their Reactions Are Too Cute

Shutterstock/CSJ STUDIO

People do some funny things to keep their pets entertained, and this video that Cheese & Quackers mom posted in mid-September proves it! This duck mom is always looking for ways to keep her ducks entertained, and she decided to put a musical mat in their living space to see how they'd react to it.

The curious ducks were interested in the box the mat came in, but they were even more interested when mom put the mat on the ground for them to step on. I think they were a little afraid of it at first. Make sure your sound is on because their reactions to the music are adorable!

The ducks' initial reaction cracked me up! At first, the normally noisy ducks went radio silent as they tried to figure out what the heck was going on! But soon enough, they started quacking again. Cheese and Quackers' mom said in the caption, "I genuinely can't tell what they think of this! What do you guys think? Did they like it?" After watching the video a couple of times, I think they did!

Commenters had a lot to say about the ducks' moment of silence. @Chelly said, "The way they all got quiet for a second was absolutely amazing!" and @Mary Kate's Farm added, "“Everyone be quiet so we can hear our music!” LOL!" @Joe pointed out, "Awwwww... they love it! Like little feathered Tim Hanks in 'Big'!"

Related: Watch as Adorable Ducks ‘Run’ to Play in the Pond After Snow Melts

Do Ducks Like Music?

While it seems that these ducks all enjoyed making their own music, experts aren't certain that ducks actually like listening to music. Some, but not all, ducks appear to enjoy listening to music. Pety Bird explains a bit more, "Ducks are not known to have a specific preference for music, as their auditory perception differs from humans. However, some researchers suggest that ducks may respond to certain sounds and rhythms. While music may not elicit a direct emotional response, it is possible for ducks to exhibit behavioral changes or show curiosity when exposed to musical stimuli."

The article goes on to say, "Additionally, ducks have highly sensitive beaks, equipped with specialized nerve endings, which allow them to detect even the tiniest movements." Maybe it's the vibrations that the music produces that they're pecking at or just the curiosity over an unknown sound? We might never know, but it's clear that the ducks in this video seemed to enjoy the tunes.

Another article focused on a study done to see if ducks were drawn to certain music, "Loud, chaotic music seems to stress ducks. But calmer classical music may have subtle enriching effects." It went on to say, "Ducks exposed to music displayed more positive social behaviors like preening, foraging together, and huddling than ducks housed in silence."

All in all, it seems that if you have pet ducks, exposing them to music won't harm them, and it may actually be relaxing for them...as long as you're not playing heavy metal music!

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