Woman Shows Why Maine Coons Are ‘Cats That Run with Dog Software'

CC DenisNata/Shutterstock

Cat owners know that Maine Coon Cats are built differently. They're not like your typical cats. Instead of being aloof, they're social. Instead of being clever, they're sort of goofy. Actually, Maine Coons remind us of another animal — they sort of seem like dogs.

It might seem blasphemous, but one Maine Coon Cat's owner joked that the breed uses "cat hardware, but they're running dog software."

And she sort of has a point. Her cat Teddy definitely has his canine-like qualities. And the mom listed them all in a hilarious new video.

"Fiercely independent? Never heard of it," the woman joked, speaking of the Maine Coon's "velcro cat" tendencies. "If he's awake he's beside me," she teased.

Related: Maine Coon Breeder Shares Controversial Take on Why Adopting Isn't for Everyone

He sort of adores his mama the way a dog does too. His favorite "special interest" is whatever his mama is doing. Whether that be chopping peppers or reading a book. He even likes to bathe himself with his mom nearby.

Some may say this is the opposite of cat behavior, but we'd like to think it's the best of both worlds.

Apparently this is sort of normal when it comes to Maine Coon Cats. "Our Maine Coon when I was growing up would walk me to my bus stop and be there to pick me up when I got home," one person in the comments section wrote. "My Maine Coon has to be with me 24/7 and takes up my sleeping space, but I love her so much," someone else gushed. "My Maine Coon is also my kitchen supervisor. Not a meal goes unchecked by his unwavering gaze!" one person kidded. "The EYE CONTACT! Constantly beside me and needs regular deep eye contact," another Maine Coon owner agreed.

Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs

Maine Coons definitely have the biggest reputation for being dog-like, but there are other breeds that can act like pups too.

Abyssinians are loyal cats who love to play fetch...just like dogs. They're also very social and loyal. Oh! And you can totally leash train an Abyssinian. Isn't that cool?

Ragdolls might look adorable, but exhibit dog behavior too. Ragdolls are very social, they'll even greet you at the door. These are great cats for adults and children alike.

If you can't find your Manx cat anywhere, try whistling for them. That's right, Manx cats will respond to whistles and can be trained to learn commands just like a pooch.

So you see, Teddy has nothing to feel bad about. Sometimes being a little less "cat-like" is totally cool.

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