Woman's Sad Reminder About How Humans 'Abandoned' Pigeons Has People in Tears

CC mdaslamhossain6600/Shutterstock

We're all a little guilty of ignoring pigeons on the sidewalk, aren't we? They seem to just sort of blend into their surroundings. One woman on TikTok is sharing the important reason why we need to give these birds way more attention. They're so much more than part of city life.

The pigeon mom is a huge fan of birds. She really sees them when it seems like no one else does.

That's why she was able to articulate a trend that she's noticed. She says we've "abandoned" pigeons — but in her opinion they're seriously misunderstood.

Related: Abandoned Pigeon Finds Forever Home After Refusing to Leave Maryland Shelter

"I wish people understood how forgotten pigeons are. They love and need people," she explained while petting one. She added that her bird is "free-flighted" (which we assume means he doesn't live with her full-time) and could "go absolutely anywhere," but instead chose to fly to her for "morning cuddles."

"Every pigeon you see needs a home," she added. "They're all just trying their best to figure it out without us now that we've abandoned them," she added.

Isn't that just heartbreaking?

People in the comments section were so touched by her post. "Pigeon history is my Roman Empire. So glad this precious baby is being taken care of," wrote one person. "Pigeons were such an important part of history and saved lives! It's so sad that they're looked at so unkindly so often today," someone else agreed. "I cry about pigeons at least once a week," a third commenter chimed in.

A Brief History Pigeons

It's true that pigeons have sort of gotten a bad rap in recent history. Today they're sadly seen as vermin and not as the companions that they were to humans for thousands of years.

Pigeons were first domesticated over 10,000 years ago in the Mediterranean region. At the time these birds were sort of everything to us. They were a source of food and a way that we communicated with each other long-distance.

People used to appreciate how beautiful these birds can be. They come in an array of colors like black, gray, and white. They are also intelligent birds and are super athletic — making them treasured pets.

It was only in the 1960s that things started to change. People started falsely claiming that pigeons spread disease at a higher rates than other animals. Which is obviously a far cry from the days that we used to eat pigeons for food.

Today pigeons aren't really given the proper respect. In fact people avoid them at all costs! Which is why this woman's message is so important. It's up to all of us to remember that pigeons were once man's best friend.

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