Yellow Lab's Silly Way of Carrying Huge Stick Will Make Anyone Smile

Anna Phillips/Shutterstock

Even if they don't know it, dogs have a thousand different ways of making people happy. They greet us at the door when we come home, and they always seem to know when we need a cuddle or a laugh. The tiny things they do can make our days, though some dogs like this Labrador Retriever also go viral in the process.

Most of the time, Henry is nothing less than a gentleman, but sometimes, he lets his silly side out to play. On September 8, he couldn't resist picking up a huge stick while walking in the park, but the quirky way he's holding the stick is impossible not to laugh at!

LOL! Henry is so proud of himself and the tree branch he picked up that he hasn't even noticed it's poking into his lip! His tail is wagging the entire time, and I can only imagine his mom, Sally, smiling behind the camera too. The hundreds of viewers who commented on the video have nothing but good things to say, and it's easy to see why.

Related: Golden Retriever Finds the Perfect Stick and Plops Down in the Mud to Enjoy It

The best comment came from social media superstar @weratedogs: "He's perfect." I couldn't have said it better myself! This adorable Yellow Lab lives life to the fullest at every chance he gets, and it's paying off beautifully. He's one happy dog!

Henry's affinity for sticks is a common one among dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers. These dogs are bred to retrieve, after all! Whether it's a tennis ball, a squeaky toy, or an entire tree branch, you can count on these high-energy hunting companions to retrieve it.

Why Dogs Love Sticks

But why do dogs love picking up sticks that they find in the park? It's such a specific yet common behavior among pups, and it likely has to do with canine instincts.

Researchers believe that carrying sticks is a treat for your dogs' senses. Not only do they like the feeling of it in their mouth, but they likely enjoy the scent of the stick, which is unique to where it was found. It's tough texture is great for chewing, but sometimes, carrying sticks isn't something your dog even decides to do!

Dogs can react in a number of different ways when they're excited, including putting something in their mouth. This may be an attempt to bring you a gift or to entice you to play tug-of-war, but some dogs simply don't know what to do with all that emotion! If this is the case, your dog will likely pick up anything that's nearby or familiar. It's not a worrisome behavior unless your dog seems truly anxious, but most of the time, they're just expressing their excitement.

Dogs like Henry, who love to carry sticks, never fail to make people smile while showing off, but it's so sweet to know how happy it makes them, too!

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